Sempra went live with more Adapt2 functionality for two markets, ERCOT and SPP.

ERCOT Virtual Trader
Created new processes for and updated Virtual Trader to fit the ERCOT types in there for PTP Obligations, Energy Only Offers and Energy Bids.
Virtual Trader was built for Sempra and now is part of our product footprint. So, they depend very heavily on it for the daily virtual bids and offers submits in all three markets they operate in (CAISO, SPP and ERCOT). Virtual Trader allows Sempra to submit their data without worrying about market rules because we take care of that for them. It also allows them to operate with multiple traders at the same time in the system for the same market, trade type and nodes.

ERCOT Energy Trades
Sempra will be submitting ERCOT Energy Trades from Adapt2. This is a new process for them and it will be an exciting new area for them to utilize Adapt2.

Created reports to feed awards from Adapt2 to OpenLink’s Endur. Consistency and reliability are key factors for software and we want to make sure our clients can count on us and continue to use Adapt2 ISO. The report we implemented for them is identical in structure and functionality to the ones they use for CAISO and SPP. This made implementation clean, efficient and simple for the Sempra IT team.

SPP Back Office
Sempra was already using Adapt2 for their Front Office activities, specifically virtual bids and offers in Virtual Trader.
Statements, Production Month and Invoices all configured
PDF invoices are set up in their own folder similar to what they are used to with ERCOT. Sempra can access that via FTP. This is being handled by our Managed Services now.
The Sempra settlements team had been waiting anxiously for all this. This is a huge win because, along with ERCOT, Adapt2 is the system for the complete bid, offer and accounting cycle.

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