ERCOT has announced their plan to implement production environment changes on February 2- February 4, 2021; as a result, ERCOT systems and processes such as MPIM, Energy Management and Settlement and Billing may experience interruptions during the implementation period.
MPIM Change: Creation of new Market Participant role to access ECEII information due
Energy Management System Change: ERCOT will implement changes to the EMS operator displays in February 2021. These changes include the Voltage Setpoint deviations.
Settlements and Billing: The IDR Protocol Compliance Report and ID Protocol Compliance Verification for Disputes will be rewritten to comply with programming best practices. The report rewrite will include date format changes and will now display the full names of all Market Participants reported.
The Market Information System (MIS) and Current Day Reports (CDR) system will also be impacted and reports will be rerun and reposted as applicable.
Adapt2 Solutions is aware of these changes and will ensure the proper system modifications are made to accommodate them.
For more information concerning upcoming ERCOT releases, please visit the ERCOT projects page.