ERCOT has implemented changes related to the Fast-Frequency Response (FFR) Advancement. The FFR Advancement project includes implementing a few Revision Requests including Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) 863, Creation of ERCOT Contingency Reserve Service, and Revisions to Responsive Reserve.​This effects members by the addition of new parameter types for submits. ​​

​The follow is a high-level list provided by ERCOT of the changes that were made as a part of this project​

  1. Upon the full implementation of FFR as a part of this project, for any operating hour in the Day Ahead Market (DAM),
  2. An ESR-Gen and ESR-CLR will be able to offer, get awarded and provide* (conventional) Regulation, RRS-PFR, and (online) Non-Spin simultaneously with RRS-FFR (assuming the ESR-Gen or ESR-CLR is qualified for the AS or AS sub-type it is offering or providing). 
  3. A NCLR will be able to offer, get awarded and provide** either RRS-FFR or RRS-UFR (assuming the NCLR is qualified for the RRS sub-type it is offering or providing).
  4. RRS Offers in & Awards from DAM/SASM, RRS AS Responsibilities in COPs, Self-Arranged RRS and RRS AS Trade submissions will split by subtype namely, RRS-PFR, RRS-FFR and RRS-UFR.​
  5. In Real Time, new telemetry will be setup to send Ancillary Service Responsibility and Ancillary Service Schedule for RRS-FFR. ​The existing Ancillary Service Responsibility and Ancillary Service Schedule telemetry will continue to be used for telemetering RRS-PFR and RRS-UFR.

Each submit and download process has been addressed in FFR market change tickets in both IIS and K8s releases. For more information regarding this member impacting change please contact

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