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Adapt2 extends solution to operators and plant management

Clients can now connect Plant Operators to Asset Managers. Plant Operators can import Unit Capabilities for Asset Managers to use in Bid Formulation, and Asset Managers can publish commercial results and operational data back to the Plant Operators.

That’s not all…more features included are:

– Five minute ticks for the past hour
– Hourly integrated LMPs
– Advanced filtering of real time data and operators
– Hourly data dashboards
– Gross margin estimates of hourly day-ahead and real-time performance
– Average production cost per MW at real time output level
– P&L differences in gross margin and day-ahead gross margin.

I really like the DA vs RT graph to highlight the 5-minute tick data changes and give a quick view to opportunities -Managing Director Plant Operations

For more information on how you can see this product in action, contact Elisabeth Marlow at

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