Adapt2 Solutions spent last week sponsoring the Fall WSPP Conference in San Diego, California. The conference included energy industry professionals from utilities, generation, and renewables.

Norman Bay

On Friday former FERC Chairman, Norman Bay, spoke on “What to Expect from the new FERC.” He believes FERC will be market focused and designed to send price signals and reward efficiency. He went on to encourage FERC to take the long view and continue thinking about market design for future reliability and a more sustainable grid.


Mark Rothleder, Vice President of Market Quality and Renewable Integration at CAISO took the stage after Mr. Bay. His update included EIM benefits. The EIM has Portland General Electric currently onboarding. Idaho Power and Powerex are slated to onboard in Spring 2018. The EIM has been able to displace carbon emissions and is very proud of the minimal impact the solar eclipse had on CAISO and EIM participants. A few areas that EIM and CAISO will be focusing on in the near future are DA and Real Time Reforms. They have goals to close the T-20 schedule and 15 min market gaps to improve real time performance, as well as, see an opportunity to develop products that will help with uncertainty between current DA and Real Time operations.

Want to meet Adapt2 in person? SAVE THE DATE for the 2018 Spring WSPP Conference

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