Market News

ERCOT Winter Weather

ERCOT Winter Weather

"The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) manages the flow of electric power to more than 26 million Texas customers -- representing about 90 percent of the state’s electric load. As the independent system operator for the region, ERCOT schedules power on an...

CAISO Battery Storage Initiatives

CAISO Battery Storage Initiatives

CAISO recently published an article discussing lithium-ion battery storage capacity and its heightened publicity it has received from the public eye. According to the post, "no electrical grid in the country, if not the world, has integrated more battery storage onto...

ISO New England (ISO-NE) Winter Supply

ISO New England (ISO-NE) Winter Supply

With recent weather extreme behavior, ISO New England (ISO-NE) is looking to the future to plan for any uncertain fuel supply risk that could lead to emergency actions if severe prolonged cold weather comes this winter season. Gordon van Welie, ISO New England's...

PJM retires obsolete TLS protocols

Today, Monday, December 13 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. EPT (1800-2000 hours) PJM is retiring obsolete TLS protocol configurations in PJM internet-facing website. As part of this effort, PJM aims to stop supporting TLS 1.0 or TLS 1.1 protocols and certain insecure ciphers,...

MISO Short-Term Reserve

MISO Short-Term Reserve

The MISO Short-Term Reserve (STR) is a new ancillary service that will be included in the Day-Ahead and Real-Time Market co-optimization of all Energy and Operating Reserves products. STR is designed around current out-of-market operator actions and is known as...

ERCOT New Navigation and HTTPS Protocol

ERCOT New Navigation and HTTPS Protocol

During November 17-20, 2021, ERCOT made enhancements to the navigation menu as well as some content display changes. Additionally, the website will now utilize HTTPS protocol for enhanced security. Below are details following the November 17, 2021 website...